WaTech in the News

Katy Ruckle, WaTech’s state Chief Privacy Officer, has received the Governor's Outstanding Leadership Award.

Katy recently attended an award ceremony where she was honored along with 20 other state managers recognized for their work.

Gov. Jay Inslee, in a letter to Katy congratulating her on the award, noted: “Outstanding leaders are invaluable…

Our state government IT systems are over-reliant on technology that represent Model T's in an age of electric cars and self-landing rockets. As a result, the delivery of state services today isn't much different than it was decades ago. Accessing them often requires navigating multiple agency websites and filling out forms, over and over.

What if…

The Washington state Legislature in 2023 provided partial funding for a new program that enables WaTech to provide grants to agencies looking for innovative ways to modernize their systems.

The IT Investment Board throughout the year has invited agencies to pitch their proposals that are aimed at modernizing antiquated systems and processes at state agencies.

Ten agencies have…

After six months of intentional collaboration and idea-generation, WaTech released a new Enterprise IT Strategic Plan for 2023-2025 that will guide the state's journey toward a transformative future for a 'Connected Government, Strong Communities, Better Washington'. The plan lays out our vision to revolutionize enterprise IT by nurturing our greatest asset - our talented workforce - to…

Washington state CIO Bill Kehoe and Chief of Staff Amy Pearson talked to Government Technology about how WaTech is fully remote and even hiring out-of-state talent, but they still find ways to bring staff together on big projects.

Read the article and watch the interview at Building Culture While Working Remote in Washington State (govtech.com)