
WaTech's Network Services delivers the networking infrastructure and technology that provides state agencies and other authorized customers connectivity to the state's wide area network (WAN). This includes resilient and highly available internet access, connectivity to enterprise applications and services and co-location service (data center connectivity) support.

Network Services comprise two main components:

  • Network Core: The network segment located at the State Data Center and WaTech's use of the Quincy Data Center.
  • Transport and Connectivity: WaTech manages the data transported within the state's WAN and competitively acquires large amounts of bandwidth, driving down costs while boosting speed and capacity.

Note: Network Services are provided based on specific customer requirements and may include one or more of the above components.

By consolidating the state's internet traffic, WaTech provides more cost-effective services and ensures that the best possible security practices and disciplines are applied to the state's use of the internet.

WaTech monitors and implements the networking equipment and network software upgrades, including patch management, used in the delivery of WaTech's Network Services. As such, WaTech realizes that the primary consideration in determining when to perform maintenance on the network should be the impact on our customers. When maintenance becomes necessary, WaTech seeks to minimize interruptions to services and customers by ensuring maintenance events are scheduled and published in advance, and requiring our network providers to limit maintenance activities between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Features & Benefits

  • Availability: WaTech recognizes that network services must be available 24 hours per day, 365 calendar days per year. The network is monitored 24/7 and the operations center is able to quickly respond to issues as they arise with either technicians onsite or technicians responding remotely with full capabilities to resolve issues.
  • Scalability is another key design goal of Network Services. The network is adaptable to meet customer needs.
  • Convenience: WaTech has expertise, processes, and tools in place to provide contract negotiation, contract management, vendor management, vendor invoice management, invoice reconciliation and vendor service credits for non-performance.


How to Order

Contact the WaTech Support Center to schedule an operational consultation.

If you have questions or need assistance regarding a strategic consultation, please contact your agency Business Relationship Manager (BRM).


WaTech Support Center