Feedback Based Billing Improvements

Service Offering Name Alignment

Results from the customer survey revealed that customers want to better understand the correlation between service descriptions and invoice line items. WaTech's Finance and service area held meetings with customers to enable them to better understand the VPN service and associated billing and detail reporting available.

As a result of these activities and based on user feedback for the website, WaTech plans to revise service offering names for the VPN service and other services.

While renaming services (or making changes to service offering or cost center names/numbers) can adversely impact the ability to report across time or downstream applications customers may use to process WaTech billing detail, our pledge is to listen to concerns and keep customers informed of upcoming changes. Please contact TBBM to discuss any impacts to downstream applications for particular services.

Reduction in Paper Invoices/Reports

WaTech TBBM is actively contacting customers who still elect to receive paper/hardcopy reports from the fee-for-service billing system to educate them about the online options available (summary level eStatements, and summary and detail level reporting available in Apptio). Data sets that are provided via Secure File Transfer are minimally supported and efforts are underway to phase out this service.

Contact us through to schedule an in-person or virtual meeting for training on how to navigate online reports or for specific questions regarding billing.

Long-Term Plans for Billing System

WaTech TBBM is working in concert with internal application support to build requirements for a replacement billing system that would streamline and simplify our processes. WaTech plans to formally reach out to customers through focus groups or general inquiries to incorporate customer feedback during the decision-making process.

Continued Tracking and Improvement Related to Service Requests

WaTech TBBM continually works to improve processes by noting patterns and trends while responding to and resolving customer issues. One of our goals is to continually provide useful billing-related reports and educational opportunities to customers and service providers.