Desktop Support Services (TOS)


This Service is subject to and governed by Customer's separate signed Primary Service Agreement (PSA) or Customer Service Agreement (CSA) as applicable, with WaTech (WaTech), calling itself Washington Technology Solutions or "WaTech" for short. This Agreement is entered into between you and WaTech for the provision of WaTech' Desktop Support Services. For the purposes of this agreement "You" and "Customer" are used interchangeably and mean the entity to which WaTech is providing service.

A. Service Description

WaTech will design, implement, operate, maintain, and support technology infrastructure and end- user services necessary to meet the Customer's business needs on WaTech owned and/or supported endpoints. Technology infrastructure and end user services provided under this Terms of Service will hereinafter be referred to as "Services."

These Services include:

1. BACKUP/RECOVERY: WaTech will provide user and shared file daily backups and on-demand recovery services for files residing within WaTech's File Depot environment only.

2. COMPLIANCE: WaTech is responsible for ensuring all the Services the Customer consumes from WaTech remain in compliance with IT policies and standards set by the Office of the Chief Information Officer. This includes collaborating with the Customer to complete required risk and security assessments and certification reporting requirements.

3. CONFERENCE/MEETING SUPPORT: WaTech provides support to help setup or breakdown special equipment for meetings and conferences included in this service offering within the following parameters:

  1. Provide WaTech with sufficient notice to coordinate WaTech resources (generally two (2) weeks advance notice).

  2. As-needed support is provided during the event in buildings WaTech has a presence in. If the Customer requires dedicated on-site support presence during the meeting and/or require extraordinary service levels, WaTech may charge a premium for dedicated resources.

  3. If WaTech has equipment to loan, WaTech will do so at no additional charge. If WaTech does not, the Customer may rent or buy what they need in conjunction with consulting or advice from WaTech. WaTech and the Customer will collaborate to ensure the Customer gets what is needed to make the event successful.

4. CONSULTATION SERVICES: WaTech includes customer-requested consultation related to all the Services included in this Terms of Service (TOS). Consultation with WaTech is required with any systems or services the Customer is pursuing that may be dependent upon or will interact with existing WaTech systems or services. Such consultation will help ensure the Customer's acquisitions are compatible with the current infrastructure and compliant with state policy. Other customer-requested consultation not covered by this agreement may be subject to additional charges at published rates.

5. CUSTOMER-OWNED HARDWARE/SOFTWARE/SYSTEMS: WaTech may provide minimal support assistance with systems and services not covered in this agreement as requested by the Customer. The request must fall within WaTech's capabilities and resource constraints. The provision of this additional service is optional, provided AS/IS and could result in additional charges.

6. WaTech-OWNED HARDWARE/SOFTWARE/SYSTEMS: WaTech will provided, unless otherwise negotiated with the Customer, hardware and enterprise software planning, purchase, installation, configuration, administration, maintenance, upgrade and disposal for WaTech assets.

7. SOFTWARE: WaTech will provide workstation enterprise software (defined as software being available to all of WaTech customer's end-users planning, purchase, installation, configuration, administration, maintenance, and upgrades.

The following software is included in the fee for this Service:

  1. Microsoft Operating Systems

  2. Microsoft Office Professional Suite

  3. EA Client Access Licenses as may be required

All other software required by the Customer, will be the responsibility of the Customer to procure, manage, and coordinate installation and management with WaTech ("Customer Procured Software").

Customer shall coordinate with WaTech for installation of the Customer Procured Software. Coordination will include, but not limited to, identifying the Customer's authorized users and deployment support. WaTech will deploy software utilizing enterprise solutions (if applicable) upon the Customer's request and submission of supporting information (example: licensing key(s)).

8. DATA/REPORTING REQUESTS: WaTech will assist the Customer in responding, as needed:

  1. To requests for data about agency IT operations, costs, policies and performance, and

  2. To provide data for fiscal notes, budget requests, legislative proposals, and other studies, surveys and requests.

9. DISASTER RECOVERY (DR)/CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS PLAN (COOP): Upon customer request, WaTech may provide disaster recovery and continuity of operations technical consultation, planning and execution in partnership with the customer as it pertains to the Services.

10. SERVICE PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE TOS: The Services below are add- on services that require a separate Terms of Service and at additional cost. For more information, see:

1) Shared Service Email
If the Customer chooses this add-on service, WaTech Desktop Services staff will support provisioning of email boxes and Tier 1 support of the State Shared Email service. WaTech Desktop Services staff will also facilitate escalating issues to higher levels of support when necessary. This includes the administration and support of secure email, Outlook distribution lists, calendars and contacts in the Outlook Global Address List.

2) Wireless LAN/WAN
If the Customer chooses this add-on service, WaTech Desktop Services staff will help facilitate the request, assist with configuration, troubleshooting and support of this service. WaTech will also facilitate escalating issues to higher levels of support when necessary.

3) Mobile Device Management (MDM)
If the Customer chooses this add-on service, WaTech Desktop Services staff will help facilitate the request for the service; provide installation if needed, configuration, troubleshooting and support of this service on each supported device.

4) Virtual Private Network (VPN)
If the Customer chooses this add-on service, WaTech Desktop Services staff will help facilitate the request for the type of VPN service by providing installation if needed, configuration, troubleshooting and support of this service on each supported device.

11. EQUIPMENT REFRESH: All covered information technology equipment shall be replaced in accordance with State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) useful life schedule (30.50.10) unless otherwise agreed upon by both the customer and WaTech. WaTech will coordinate with the Customer to ensure actual replacement dates have the least amount of impact on important business cycle activity. At the time of replacement, if our standard options do not meet the Customer's needs, WaTech may charge an additional fee to procure and support non-standard equipment subject to the Special Terms

12. FEEDBACK: WaTech will regularly seek feedback from the Customer to determine if service expectations are being met. The Customer Account Manager (CAM) is both an advocate for the Customer and the primary avenue for feedback to WaTech. The Customer may provide feedback during regularly scheduled meetings with the Customer's CAM or communicate directly with the CAM as needs arise in between scheduled meetings. The CAM will route customer feedback to the appropriate service team for action and follow up with the Customer. The CAM will meet with the Customer as needed or as requested by the Customer.

  • Your CAM's contact information is included in your quote.

Other options for providing feedback include:

  1. Contact the WaTech Support Center by email at: or Phone: (855)-WaTech1 (928-3241)

  2. Contact the Service Owner directly. The Service Owner's information is provided in Section F. Contact information of this Terms of Service.

13. ENDPOINT SECURITY SERVICES: WaTech shall provide security services in support of Customer end user devices. WaTech Security Operations Service provides assistance in maintaining compliance with State and Federal Regulatory requirements and protecting the sensitive information stored on workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure ("e-client"). Included in the security operation offerings are administration of the following services at the Customer's local workstation:

  1. Incident Response: Respond to security incidents that occur on workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure. This service provides initial investigation, classification and response coordination with incident management for all security related events

  2. Endpoint Protection: Prevention of malware, viruses, and other malicious actions from affecting workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure. This service includes the policy creation, monitoring and maintenance of components used to provide this service.

  3. Privileged Account Monitoring: Detects and reports on use of privileged accounts as they interact with workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure.

  4. Vulnerability Assessment: Assessment and resolution tracking to ensure vulnerabilities are discovered and mitigated on workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure.

  5. Logging and Monitoring: Captures security information from each server and provides a centralized resource for analysis and reporting of incidents. This service is configured to alert on critical security events of workstations connected to the WaTech Enterprise Client Infrastructure.

14. IDENTITY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION: WaTech will provide Active Directory user/group/permission management.

15. MONITORING: WaTech will provide general infrastructure health and performance monitoring, as it relates to end user support for the Services provided

16. POLICY DEVELOPMENT: WaTech will assist as a subject matter expert in the development and update of IT-related internal policies for the Customer as requested.

17. PROVIDED EQUIPMENT: The following list represents the Customer equipment provided as part of the Service:

  1. For each employee, WaTech will provide one standard virtual desktop (with thin client), or a PC or a laptop (with docking station); two monitors, one standard keyboard, and one standard mouse. The cost of this equipment is included.

    1. If the customer requires non-standard equipment or an out-of-band upgrade, the customer will be responsible for any additional costs unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.

    2. If a customer requires multiple devices per user or devices that are shared (e.g. conference or training rooms, kiosks, loaners, etc.), that equipment is fully supported by WaTech and billed at the same price as devices associated with a single user.

  2. For each supported customer location, WaTech will maintain and refresh Local Area Network switching equipment as needed to insure connectivity. One-time costs for LAN and WAN equipment, patch cables, wiring fees and labor associated with onboarding new customers, adding staff, remodels, moves or new construction is the responsibility of the customer unless otherwise agreed upon by all involved parties.

  3. Per item 4, consultation with WaTech is required with any systems or services the Customer is pursuing that may be dependent upon or will interact with WaTech systems or services. This will help ensure the Customer's acquisitions are compatible with current infrastructure and compliant with State IT policy.

18. PROCUREMENT: WaTech is responsible for the Desktop equipment and related software procurement, purchase, tracking, and disposal (hardware, software and peripherals) for WaTech-owned equipment.

19. STORAGE: WaTech will provide user file storage administration, configuration and management.

20. STRATEGIC PLANNING: WaTech will participate in the Customer's technical strategic planning processes as requested.

21. USER-OWNED ASSET SUPPORT: WaTech staff shall not support privately owned equipment such as routers, printers, modems, computers, owned or leased privately/personally by individual users. Also, WaTech staff cannot work on State-owned equipment in someone's home except under special circumstances as agreed upon by all parties involved.


  1. WAN: WaTech Desktop Services staff will help facilitate WAN requests and assist with troubleshooting and support of all WAN services. WaTech will also facilitate escalating issues to higher levels of support when necessary.

  2. LAN: WaTech Desktop Services staff are responsible for the planning, purchase, installation, configuration, administration, maintenance, upgrade and disposal of all supported LAN hardware and software. WaTech will always be responsible to coordinate third party vendor logistics for all LAN or technology cabling services in order to insure that State standards are met.

B. Availability

Support of the desktop, applications, LAN, and other devices are provided with an expected availability of 99% during normal business hours. After-hours availability has a general target of 98%. WaTech will attempt to combine changes to minimize disruption to the Customer's business. *Scheduled or planned maintenance events can impact availability*

  1. SCHEDULED/PLANNED MAINTENANCE: Scheduled maintenance activities will occur outside of regular business hours and are designed to have the least amount of impact as possible to customers. Maintenance events allow WaTech to address important activities such as hardware and software upgrades, software patches, faulty hardware replacement, security patches, and application changes. Maintenance notifications will be sent via email to all affected customers at least five (5) business days in advance or more if possible. In the event a maintenance event will impact critical business functions, please notify the WaTech Support Center. WaTech will attempt to reschedule around that activity.

  2. MAINTENANCE CADENCE: Planned maintenance on servers generally occurs every Thursday night, 9:30 PM until midnight. During this time the LAN and servers may not be available. Email Server Maintenance generally occurs on Sundays from 10am to 4pm. The maintenance window will only be used when necessary, and will normally not exceed this outage window. Maintenance notifications will be sent via email to all affected customers at least five (5) business days in advance or more if possible. In the event a maintenance event will impact important business functions, please notify the WaTech Support Center. WaTech will attempt to reschedule around that activity.

  3. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHANGES: WaTech will contact the Customer's Chief Information Officer or other designee at least one week in advance to ensure that operational schedules will not be disrupted in the case of emergency maintenance. All maintenance that can be scheduled in advance will be, so that the customer can plan for operational activities and meet customer deadlines. This will be followed up with an email notification to all affected staff.

C. Charges

Service and Rate Model Description

The Desktop, Network, Infrastructure Services
  1. Includes hardware and cabling, operating system, Microsoft Office Productivity Tools, maintaining
  2. connectivity to SGN and the staff that support these products and services.
  1. Cost per PC/Laptop = $3,500 per year
Off-Site Support
  1. In the event that the customer wishes to engage WaTech in an effort not covered by this TOS, travel time and mileage will be charged at a staff time in transit rate of $85 per hour (pro-rated to the ½ hour) and a mileage rate of $0.575 per mile. This work will only be initiated with the approval of a Statement of Work subject to the Special Terms below.
Staffing Rates
  1. In the event that the customer wishes to engage WaTech in an effort not covered by this TOS, the
  2. staffing rate is $85-$250 per hour depending on the type of engagement. This work will only be
  3. initiated with the approval of a Statement of Work subject to the Special Terms below.
Other Items NOT covered in this TOS (Items that would generally be associated with providing IT Support but are currently being billed directly and/or separately and not included in the pricing of this TOS)

Onboarding Startup Costs (New Customers)
IT Costs Related to New Construction or Remodels
Internet Circuit Charges
Application/Database Storage
Commercial ISPs (Comcast, Verizon)
Skype for Business (Lync)
Conference Bridges
Cell Phones/Data Plans

D. Responsibilities

  1. WaTech Responsibilities

  1. Technical Support - The WaTech Support Center
    The Customer is able to obtain support for the included technical services by contacting the WaTech Support Center 24/7. The WaTech Support Center is the Customer's one-stop shop for all support needs. It is staffed with Tier 1 technicians that will do all they can to resolve the Customer's issue on first contact. Tier 1 technicians are trained to perform common troubleshooting including password changes, basic application support and ordering new services. If the Tier 1 technician is unable to resolve the customer's issue, they will collect the necessary data and escalate to Tier 2 or Tier 3 technicians with expertise in the area of concern. WaTech provides 24/7 support to address the Customer's calls. In the event an afterhours Tier 1 support person cannot resolve the issue, they know how to reach the right people to escalate the Customer's issue.

    Support Center can be reached at the contact information below:

    The Support Centers regular business hours are Monday - Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM.

    After-Hours Response Teams respond to critical technical issues related to WaTech Services that occur outside of regular hours. If Tier 1 cannot resolve the Customer's issue, a technician will respond to work stoppage issues within 30 minutes.

    Extended Hours Desktop Service support is available during special business cycles (legislative session, allotment periods, fiscal year close, etc.) Extended hours outside of published operational business cycles can be requested through the Customer's Customer Account Manager or the WaTech Support Center. WaTech will do our best to accommodate all Customer requests. WaTech requests a minimum of one week advance notice for this type of support.

During Business Hours After Business Hours and State
Technical difficulties with a
device, system or service
provided by WaTech - but
not a work stoppage
WaTech will strive to resolve the
Customer's issue during first
contact. If the Customer's request
must be escalated to a higher tier
of technical support, WaTech
strives to resolve general requests
within 24 hours. In most cases, a
request is resolved within hours.
If the after-hours response team
cannot resolve the Customer's
issue on first contact, the
appropriate technician will reach
out to the Customer the next
business day.
Work Stoppage - A device
or service that WaTech
provides to the Customer
has failed, is failing, or is
WaTech will attempt to work with
the Customer immediately via Tier
1 phone support. Escalated
support is available if Tier 1
cannot resolve. In some cases, the
requestor must be available for
consultation to the technician to
complete the resolution.
If escalation is required, response
time could take up to 30 minutes.
Please note that normally only
Tier 1 support is on-site after

Note: WaTech strives to provide immediate resolution to work stoppages. Events involving third-party vendors may impact speed of service restoration. In such events, WaTech will inform the Customer and keep the Customer up to date on progress.

  1. Performance Standards and Reporting
    This section identifies performance standards for WaTech LAN and the desktop support. It also identifies performance metrics provided to the Customer monthly by the CAM during the Customer's regularly scheduled meeting. In the event a stated standard has not been met 3 months in a row, a mitigation plan may be developed, in partnership with the customer, to either improve practice or re-baseline the standard.

    a) BREAK/FIX - Response of 2 - 4 hours for a functioning replacement (temporary or permanent, depending on availability). If a temporary loaner is distributed, repairs will be made within 1 - 2 weeks, depending on parts availability.

    b) INCIDENT METRIC - Number of combined LAN and the desktop incidents the Customer reported to WaTech during prior six months, average response time, average resolution time categorized by severity number and type, and current status of any open incidents.

    c) WORK STATION PATCH MANAGEMENT - Critical patches may be applied quietly (delivered on-the-fly and without little to no user interruption or awareness) during business hours, typically three to five business days after Microsoft, Adobe and other vendors release a critical update which may require an immediate or delayed reboot. All other patches and updates will begin to arrive on work stations the third Thursday of each month at 11:00 PM.

    INCIDENT RESOLUTION: Response Time to Incidents by Severity of Impact:

    Incident Priority Resolution Times

    Priority Description Target Response Time* Target Resolution Time
    1 Critical Immediate or Less than
    15 minutes
    Less than 2 hours
    2 Major Immediate or Less than
    15 minutes
    Less than 2 hours
    3 High Less than 1 hour Less than 4 hours
    4 Medium 4 Business Hours 2 Business Days
    5 Low 1 Business Day 1 Week
    6 Minimal 1 Business Day 1 Week
    7 Minimal 1 Business Day 1 Week

    *Target Response Time is defined as the time from when the customer makes initial contact and team members begin working on incident.

Priortization of Incidents

Incident prioritization is a way of identifying the relative importance of an incident. The priority of incidents dictates the order in which they should be dealt with.

Priority is based on a combination of:

  • Urgency: A measure of how long it will be until an incident brings a significant impact on business

  • Impact: A measure of the effect of the incident on business processes

During the prioritization activity, a priority code is assigned to each incident. Each priority code has a timescale associated with. The priority code puts all incidents in order, and informs each IT team which incidents to resolve first.

Urgency Categories

  1. Category Description
    1 - Critical (C) Vital service is down (no workaround/work stoppage)
    2 - High (H) Vital service is degraded (work
    impaired/workaround/able to complete task)
    3 - Medium (M) Non-vital service is down (no workaround/work
    4 - Low (L) Non-vital service is degraded (work
    impaired/workaround/able to complete task)
  3. Impact Categories
  4. Category Description
    1 - Critical (C) Statewide or multiple agencies affected
    2 - High (H) Entire agency, division, or unit is affected
    3 - Medium (M) A work area or site is affected
    4 - Low (L) An individual is affected

    Incident Priority
  5. Priority is generated from urgency and impact according to the following table:
  6. . Impact
    . C H M L
    Urgency C 1 2 3 4
    H 2 3 4 5
    M 3 4 5 6
    L 4 5 6 7
  7. Customer Responsibilities

  8. One of WaTech's top goals in delivering Desktop service is to provide maximum uptime of systems and minimize preventable incidents that can be a drain on support staff availability.

  9. Below are a few items the customers can do to help:

    1. Be a solution-focused partner in WaTech's efforts to provide service and respond to incidents.

    2. Provide subject matter expertise to projects the Customer initiates to ensure WaTech can gain an understanding of the business context, processes and requirements necessary to ensure project success.

    3. Contact the Solutions Center as soon as possible for assistance if the Customer is taking on any effort that relies on or could impact WaTech infrastructure or resources or has critical deadlines that require WaTech involvement.

    4. Engage in and promote safe computing practices.

    5. Only connect WaTech-issued devices, e.g. cell phones, to any WaTech computer or LAN jack. WaTech wireless services are the exception.

    6. Report unauthorized use of computing devices issued by WaTech on the LAN, or suspicious activity the Customer becomes aware of or have reason to believe is suspect in relation to technology or services WaTech provides to the Customer, or if the Customer believes state devices in the Customer's control may have been compromised via a phishing, Trojan, or similar effort.

    7. Only use external storage devices (Hard Drive/USB Drive) that comply with State security encryption practices.

    8. Store final copies of data on available LAN resources. WaTech does not backup local hard drives so recovery services may not available for data stored there.

    9. Provide WaTech access to areas where WaTech equipment is located for service and/or asset management activities

    10. Notify WaTech for physical relocation of workstation hardware, peripherals or shared printers/multi-function devices.

    11. For Laptop Users:

      a) Contact the Solutions Center immediately if the BitLocker prompt is not the first thing seen every time the Customer' device starts or restarts.

      b) Lock the laptop in the trunk of the vehicle when in transit and don't leave it anywhere in the car unattended.

      c) In the event of theft, report the loss to the Solutions Center immediately and participate in WaTech Loss Reporting efforts.

      d) If the laptop is ever severely damaged, contact the Solutions Center for instructions.

      e) If the Customer plans to travel outside the United States with the Customer's WaTech supported equipment, contact the Solutions Center at least one week in advance for International travel provisions, which may include the substitution of a loaner laptop and instructions for use while traveling.

    12. Coordinate the acquisition, physical installation and repair of printers, copier devices and all of their associated supplies such as toner, ink, paper, print heads, cartridges and fuser kits. Clear paper jams in printers or copiers, and contact the Customer's printer vendor for routine maintenance and service. WaTech will connect printers, plotters, and copier devices to the LAN and make them available as a shared resource so contact the Support Center as soon as possible when the Customer knows there will be an equipment change or installation.

    13. Inform third party providers that they are prohibited from connecting, reconnecting, or servicing any WaTech equipment for any reason unless agreed to by WaTech.

    14. Minimize the use of administrative privileges on end-user equipment except when there is a well- defined business need for it.

E. Special Terms

  1. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: WaTech and the Customer may agree that WaTech shall provide related services that are outside the scope of the desktop services. Any additional charges will be at a WaTech published rate, and negotiated and agreed upon in advanced. The scope of work and financial not to exceed amount shall be documented in an addendum to this TOS prior to any work by WaTech commencing.

  2. ACCEPTABLE USE: the Customer agrees to provide notice to the Customer's employees and users, and obtaining acceptance from Service users to the Acceptable Use Policy set forth below, the terms of which are incorporated herein for reference:

    a) Computer software, databases, and electronic documents are protected by copyright law. A copyright is a work of authorship in a tangible medium. Copyright owners have the sole right to reproduce their work, prepare derivatives or adaptations of it, distribute it by sale, rent, license lease, or lending, and/or to perform or display it. Users must either have an express or implied license to use copyrighted material or data, or be able to prove fair use. Users of computers are responsible for understanding how copyright law applies to their electronic transactions.

    b) The Customer agrees to comply with all applicable software licenses and software may not be copied, transferred, or otherwise used in violation of such terms and conditions. Downloading or distributing copyrighted materials such as documents, movies, music, etc., without the permission of the rightful owner may be considered copyright infringement, which is illegal under federal copyright law. Use of the equipment to commit acts of copyright infringement may be subject to prosecution and disciplinary action. The penalties for infringing on copyright law can be found under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §§ 501-518 ( 17/92chap5.html) and in the U.S. Copyright Office's summary of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (

    c) The Customer will not use peer-to-peer file sharing programs such as LimeWire, KaZaA, Gnutella, Morpheus, BitTorrent, or similar programs on any equipment provided under this TOS and will not download or share files in violation of that material's copyright protection;

    d) The Customer will not access, download, print, or store information with sexually explicit content as prohibited by law or policy;

    e) The Customer will not download or transmit fraudulent, threatening, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise unlawful messages or images;

    f) The Customer will not upload or download copyrighted materials or proprietary agency information contrary to the applicable law or policy;

    g) The Customer will not send e-mail using another's identity, an assumed name, or anonymously;

    h) The Customer will not attempt to intercept or read messages not intended for the Customer;

    i) The Customer will not intentionally develop or experiment with malicious programs (viruses, worms, spy-ware, keystroke loggers, phishing software, Trojan horses, etc.) on any equipment;

    j) The Customer will not knowingly propagate malicious programs;

    k) The Customer will not permit the equipment to be used in violation of any law, permit the equipment to be operated in a reckless or abusive manner, or tamper with any hardware within the equipment. The customer shall comply with all applicable copyright and other regulations regarding the software.

    l) The Customer will not use equipment and software in any way that violates ethical obligations, including but not limited to support for any commercial venture for personal financial gain.

  3. ASSET OWNERSHIP: Equipment and software provided via this service is the property of WaTech and part of the global asset pool. When a user leaves their position, their pc/laptop will be collected, wiped, reimaged and put back into the pool to be reassigned. In cases where the Customer pays for equipment associated with this service (e.g. non-standard equipment, out-of-band upgrade, etc.) ownership remains with the customer. If the Customer requests asset reassignment, WaTech will assign the asset to the Customer's new designated end-user. If the asset is left without an end-user custodian and not immediately reassigned or has no plan to be reassigned within 14 calendar days, it may be pulled and securely stored to protect the asset until such time that a new end-user can assume responsibility for it.

  4. CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The Internet contains materials that the Customer may find objectionable or offensive. WaTech doesn't publish or control, nor are we responsible or liable for, any third-party information, content, services, products, software or other material that can be accessed through the service. The Customer is solely responsible for evaluating the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness of all services, products and other information, and the quality and merchantability, accuracy, timeliness or delivery of such services, products and other information. The Customer is responsible for paying any charges that the Customer incurs from third parties through the Customer's use of the service, and the Customer's personal information may be available to the third parties the Customer accessed through the service.

  5. SECURITY AND PRIVACY SUPPORT SERVICES: WaTech will provide incident response, advising and support for security or privacy related incidents for only those Services provided herein.

  6. GOOD FAITH COLLABORATION: While on the Customer's premise, the Customer agrees that the Customer is fully liable for loss or damage to WaTech-owned equipment due to negligence or intention unless loss or damage is caused by the actions of a WaTech employee. The Customer agrees to fully reimburse WaTech for its expenses associated with a loss due to fire, theft, collision, earthquake, flooding, mysterious disappearance, accidental breakage, or other casualty, whether on or off the Customer's premise. Any equipment that is in the care, custody, or control of WaTech is exempt from this clause.

  7. PRIVACY AND SECURITY: WaTech systems transmit voice and data communications over a complex network. The privacy and security of such voice and data transmissions cannot be guaranteed. The Customer acknowledges that the service is not inherently secure, and the Customer understands that wireless communications can be intercepted by equipment and software designed for that purpose. WaTech is not liable to the Customer or any other party for any lack of privacy the Customer experiences while using the service.

  8. PROHIBITED USE: In using any of the services, the Customer and the Customer's users shall not: (i) disrupt or interfere with the security or use of any of the services; (ii) violate any applicable laws, statutes, rules, or regulations; or (iii) assist any third party in engaging in any activity prohibited by these Terms.

  9. SOFTWARE LICENSING: WaTech will obtain software licenses, for the software included as part of this Service (e.g. Microsoft Operating Systems, Microsoft Office Professional and the required Enterprise Client Access Licenses), on the Customer's behalf and pass the end-user License Agreement directly through to the Customer. The Customer is required to adhere to all applicable end-user Licenses provided by WaTech. WaTech will maintain an inventory of all software licenses purchased by WaTech or coordinated through WaTech distribution.

  10. THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE: All Software not installed by WaTech must be genuine software, installed and used according to the applicable software license. The Customer must provide WaTech an inventory every 6 months of its installed third party software.

  11. CONFIDENTIALITY: WaTech recognizes that much of our customer's data is highly confidential and WaTech takes all appropriate steps to protect it. This includes requiring all WaTech staff and contractors to sign a confidentiality agreement upon employment. Within that agreement staff and contractors agree to the understanding that ALL data they will be given access to should be considered confidential, and is not to be accessed or disclosed except in direct relation to their assigned responsibilities. They further attest to understanding that the unauthorized disclosure or abuse of information deemed private and confidential may subject them to penalties and other applicable sanctions under state and federal law and may constitute grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

F. Contact Information

Unless otherwise indicated, all correspondence regarding this TOS should be directed to:

  1. WaTech
    Service Owner: PJ Griffin
    Title: Desktop and Services Manager
    Address: 1500 Jefferson St, SE, Olympia, WA 98504
    Phone: 360-407-8506
    Support Center Manager: Titus Mutchler
    Phone: (306) 407-2150
    Desktop Services Supervisor: Diana Petersen
    Phone: (360) 407-8702