WaTech’s Policy and External Affairs office connects technology with government, advocating for our agency’s interests at every level. We build relationships with key interested parties—including the Governor’s office, legislators, and state agencies—to influence IT policy and drive statewide initiatives.
Beyond tracking legislation, we actively shape it. We help develop policy proposals aligned with state priorities and ensure WaTech’s voice is heard in executive-requested legislation. During legislative sessions, we push our initiatives forward, engage lawmakers, and monitor bills that impact our agency and the IT sector.
Our team also leads high-profile projects involving the Governor, elected officials, and agency leaders, ensuring WaTech remains a trusted force in technology policy.
Statutory Areas of Responsibility
Strategic Technology Leadership
- RCW 43.105.220(1) directs WaTech to develop a state strategic information technology plan, including electronic access goals.
- RCW 43.105.265 directs WaTech to develop an enterprise-based strategy for IT in state government, and to develop an ongoing enterprise architecture program to translate this vision into effective change.
Enterprise Strategic Programs
- RCW 43.105.054(3) requires WaTech to promote and facilitate information sharing and access (GIS).
- RCW 43.105.054(2)(f) requires WaTech to coordinate and report on IT expenditures (TBM).
- RCW 43.105.375 requires state agencies to use the state data center or third-party cloud services.
Office of Cybersecurity Services
RCW 43.105.450 requires an enterprise security services catalog be developed and updated biennially. Additionally, detect and respond to security incidents and ensure the continuity of state business and information resources that support the operations and assets of state agencies in the event of a security incident.
Privacy and Data Protection
RCW 43.105.369 requires an annual privacy review of state agencies, privacy training, articulate privacy principles and best practices. Additionally, this team must coordinate data protection efforts, review major state agency projects that process personally identifiable information, and serve as a resource to state agencies and local governments on data privacy.
Project Oversight and Success
RCW 43.105.245 requires WaTech to establish a model process for agencies to implement and develop projects, including oversight, and gives the WaTech director broad authority on projects.
Enterprise Technology Services
RCW 43.105.385 requires a migration strategy be developed for state agencies to move towards using WaTech as their central service provider for utility-based services, and for WaTech to develop short- and long-term objectives to measure this work.
Policy development and oversight
WaTech is statutorily authorized to establish statewide IT standards and policies, providing oversight of governance, acquisition, security, and operations for Washington state agencies. This authority includes setting guidelines for IT procurement, data confidentiality, cybersecurity incident response, and major IT project management to ensure consistency, efficiency, and security across state government.
- RCW 43.105.025(c): WaTech director shall establish standards and policies to govern information technology in the state of Washington.
- RCW 43.105.052 (1)(h): WaTech, as an agency, shall establish standards and policies for the consistent and efficient operation of information technology services throughout state government.
- RCW 43.105.054 (1)(a): WaTech, as an agency, has the power and duty related to the governance of information services (a) To develop statewide standards and policies governing the:
- (i) Acquisition of equipment, software, and technology-related services;
- (ii) Disposition of equipment;
- (iii) Licensing of the radio spectrum by or on behalf of state agencies; and
- (iv) Confidentiality of computerized data; and (b) To develop statewide and interagency technical policies, standards, and procedures;
- RCW 43.105.054(1)(h): To implement a process for detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents consistent with the information security standards, policies, and guidelines adopted by the director;
- RCW 43.105.045: WaTech shall establish standards and policies governing the planning, implementation, and evaluation of major information technology projects, including those proposed by the superintendent of public instruction, in conjunction with educational service districts, or statewide or regional providers of K-12 education information technology services.
- RCW 43.105.470(5) Requires OCS to create policy for major cybersecurity incidents
Voice your opinion on any bill by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000. Watch or listen to hearings on TVW.