Washington State Resident Portal


Hemingway Huynh
Project Manager

Progress update: June 2024

WA.gov Workstream:

  • Tested the Yext natural language search tool.
  • Published a backend theme update with minor design improvements.
  • Finished designing subsite templates; implementation and development are underway.
  • Completed the Google Cloud Translation proof of concept and reviewed Spanish content with a native speaker. Now working with Google to configure and implement the service globally.

BA Workstream:

  • Completed enterprise user stories.
  • Analyzing user interviews for additional requirements.
  • Compiling a comprehensive list of public services and applications from the Statewide Application Inventory.

HCD Workstream:

  • Completed resident interviews.
  • Working on persona design and interview analysis.
  • Scheduled peer reviews with Colorado and Gov.UK.


  • Updated Connected Government Visual Journey (roadmap deliverable).

Resident Portal Roadmap Vendor Challenge Procurement

The evaluation panel has begun judging the applications and completed the review on June 20. 


WaTech was funded in the 2023-2025 biennium to develop a resident portal and complete major enhancements to WA.gov. The goal of the Resident Portal project is to create a government experience that leaves no community behind. Through a connected government that emphasizes service delivery and the experience of those we serve, we can achieve equitable outcomes across our communities.

The Resident Portal will provide authenticated, secure, transparent access to the services residents of the state need. It will be human-centered, focused first and foremost on meeting the needs of residents and aims to greatly improve the ease of use and access to services that residents need the most from Washington government.


The Resident Portal project vision is to create a platform that provides a secure, user-friendly portal for Washington state residents to access information and services needed to sustain or enhance their lives. Residents will create a statewide account (via Identity and Access Management platform), share information about themselves which the Resident Portal will store and securely share with other agencies. From the Resident Portal, residents will be able to find services that they may qualify for, complete applications for those services, receive status updates and sign up for alerts and notifications from Washington state government.

The platform will be a single point of access to government services, providing a consistent user experience and equitable access for all residents of Washington state.