Washington State Resident Portal

Progress update: March 2025

The Resident Portal Roadmap project has transitioned into the broader Digital Experience (DEX) Program, which encompasses multiple initiatives, including the RP Pilot and Customer Identity & Access Management (CIAM). Weekly updates and sprint demos are being recorded to ensure visibility into progress, challenges, and upcoming priorities.

In February, the team successfully implemented Resident Profile pulling synthetic data from Databricks as part of the RP Pilot. However, architecture deliverables remain behind schedule, requiring continued focus in the next sprint. Additionally, delays in developing the Target Reference Architecture may impact both the pilot and Digital Experience Platform (DXP) selection. The DXP Platform selection is dependent on the Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) Security Design Review (SDR) process, adding further risk to timelines.

Planned Activities for March (Sprint 5)

  • DXP Selection:
    • Compare and decide on the top two DXP contenders.
    • Conduct a second demo of Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).
    • Complete DXP Comparison Evaluation.
  • CIAM & Branding:
    • Survey SAW and WA.gov users to inform the CIAM brand recommendation.
  • Architecture Development:
    • Continued development of Target Reference Architecture (Currently at 10% completion).
    • Finalize the DEX Program Charter Draft and Walking Deck for stakeholder alignment.
  • Infrastructure & Development:
    • Complete back-end continuous delivery pipeline foundation.
    • Progress on AI-Enabled Service Finder (Currently at 10% completion).

Read the complete progress report.

Timeline for a project


WaTech was funded in the 2023-2025 biennium to develop a resident portal and complete major enhancements to WA.gov. The goal of the Resident Portal project is to create a government experience that leaves no community behind. Through a connected government that emphasizes service delivery and the experience of those we serve, we can achieve equitable outcomes across our communities.

The Resident Portal will provide authenticated, secure, transparent access to the services residents of the state need. It will be human-centered, focused first and foremost on meeting the needs of residents and aims to greatly improve the ease of use and access to services that residents need the most from Washington government.


The Resident Portal project vision is to create a platform that provides a secure, user-friendly portal for Washington state residents to access information and services needed to sustain or enhance their lives. Residents will create a statewide account (via Identity and Access Management platform), share information about themselves which the Resident Portal will store and securely share with other agencies. From the Resident Portal, residents will be able to find services that they may qualify for, complete applications for those services, receive status updates and sign up for alerts and notifications from Washington state government.

The platform will be a single point of access to government services, providing a consistent user experience and equitable access for all residents of Washington state.

Washington Resident Portal Core Principles

The future Resident Portal solution will prioritize and encompass the following core principles. 

  • Accessible to all users regardless of technology or disability. 
  • Human-centered, designed and developed to meet the needs of the residents first and the government second. 
  • Equitable and inclusive, leaving no resident behind. 
  • Integrated with a large number of inconsistent back-end systems while providing a frictionless experience to the residents. 
  • Responsible in protecting residents’ personal information based on legal authority and only for legitimate purposes. 
  • Trustworthy, preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all collected and stored data. 
  • Responsive on all modern browsers, devices, and technologies. 
  • Available to all residents regardless of time of day or access point.