- Overall program: The ECCP governance model, which defines how decisions will be made concerning the program and its workstreams, has been finalized.
- Foundational Services: The Goal 1 (Foundation) visioning session was held Dec. 6. Subsequent visioning sessions may be scheduled as needed. These sessions will provide the basis for developing a roadmap and define the ultimate desired end state for Goal 1 – i.e., creating the operational environment for state agencies.
- Workforce and Training: Began partnership with ISG to execute the Phase 1 Readiness Assessment for 19 agencies that comprise approximately 82% of the state's IT workforce. The first two months of effort are focused on planning for the engagement with agencies.
- Consulting, Brokerage, and Marketplace: Started initial strategic discussions with the Department of Enterprise Services. Began planning for visioning sessions for these three goal areas as well. These visioning sessions are expected to take place in early 2024.
WaTech’s new IT Service Catalog is now LIVE!
You asked, we listened! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the new WaTech Service Catalog – designed to simplify, clarify, and empower you with the full scope of WaTech’s services! View the new IT Service catalog. Need help finding a service? View our Service Catalog Crosswalk.