Alex Salazar: TL;DR on Top-Level Domains and Phishing Campaigns
Join Alex Salazar, Cybersecurity Advisor with CISA, as he discusses what Top-Level Domains are and how to spot scam and phishing pages. Alex will go over examples he has seen in the field of successful phishing attacks that have led to the deployment of ransomware in organization. Alex will also cover how AI may influence phishing in the future. Most importantly, he will discuss what you can do to protect yourself and your organization.

Alexander Salazar Jr
Cybersecurity Advisor
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in King County and Seattle (Region 10)
Alexander Salazar Jr (Alex) has over 10 years of federal service and over 5 years of cybersecurity experience. His position involves engaging stakeholders in the PNW to discuss cybersecurity approaches and solutions as well as liaison information during incidents. Alex also serves as a Military Intelligence Officer in the Washington Army National Guard and engages with local Veterans through the Ballard VFW Post. Before working for CISA, Alex worked for the University of Washington's Information Security Office as a cyber intelligence analyst. Alex currently holds a board position as the Membership Director for Washington State’s Evergreen InfraGard Chapter. Alex has attained a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree in Information Technology and Administrative Management from Central Washington University and a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems from the University of Washington.