Gov. Inslee signs executive order to prepare the state for generative AI

Generative AI executive order

Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order on Jan. 30, 2024, to develop guidelines for how the state adopts generative artificial intelligence into its own systems to ensure its ethical and transparent use.

Under Inslee’s order, WaTech, the agency operating the state’s technology and information security services, will work with the governor’s cabinet agencies to submit a report identifying potential generative AI initiatives that could be implemented in state operations. The plan would develop initial guidelines for how the government may procure, use and monitor the use of generative AI.

Nick Stowe, WaTech's state chief technology officer, said generative AI could hold opportunities for language translation, code generation and contract management in state agencies. It can provide simple efficiencies like automating tedious tasks or lead to groundbreaking discoveries through research assistance.

For more information, see the governor's office article about the executive order.