Exciting news! OPDP Grant Awardee!
The State & Local Cybersecurity Grant Program has approved a proposal for privacy certification training by WaTech’s state Office of Privacy and Data Protection.
The funding request still must receive full approval by the U.S. Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) but we feel confident that the proposal will be accepted based on the state recommendation.
Our proposal is to offer privacy certification training for public employees who want to learn and continue professional development in the privacy field. We have teamed up with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) to purchase 50 vouchers for privacy certification training. For more information about IAPP and the certification program you can visit https://iapp.org/certify/.
Three certifications will be offered as a part of the training program: the Certified Information Privacy Professional for US (CIPP/US), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT).
In terms of the training and certification exam, my recommendation for most public employees would be to start with the CIPM. This training is about building and managing a privacy program in your organization. It focuses on how to implement privacy in day-to-day operations and turning policies into programs.
If you or someone at your agency is interested in the training and exam, you can apply for the training voucher online. Under the current proposal we have 50 seats statewide for all public employees. This includes both state and local jurisdictions. If you have an interest we recommend applying. If we can demonstrate a high-demand and interest for the training, we can apply for the State Local Cybersecurity Grant Program again next year, so please apply!
OPDP Privacy Certification Voucher Application
October Webinar: GIS and Privacy
Location data is central to just about everything we do and is vital to state and local governments to provide essential services to our people. However, location data can also reveal sensitive information about Washington residents. Join us for a presentation and discussion with Joanne Markert, Washington Geographic Information Officer, and myself about Washington's GIS Program, what it does, what its initiatives are, and the intersection of GIS and Privacy.
- Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023
- Time: 10:00am – 11am
- Place: Zoom
See you next month with more updates!
Katy Ruckle
State Chief Privacy Officer