WaTech in the News

State Chief Information Officer and WaTech Director Jim Weaver has named Katy Ruckle as the state Chief Privacy Officer. She will start Jan. 1, 2020.

Katy will join WaTech's Strategy and Management Division, which is home to the Office of the Chief Information Officer. The state Chief Privacy Officer's duties include conducting an annual privacy review and providing privacy training…

OLYMPIA - Several state agencies experienced outages to their telephones and networks when a construction crew severed a fiber optic cable in Olympia on Saturday afternoon.

"At this time, our network and telephony services are operational, and we don't anticipate any further IT impacts to our state agencies' operations," said State Chief Information Officer and WaTech Director Jim…

By Agnes KirkWashington State Chief Information Security Officer

If you're like me, shopping is increasingly becoming an online experience.

Don't get me wrong, I still love going into stores and browsing. But like most shoppers nowadays, I also visit stores online. A recent UPS survey found that 52 percent of purchases are now made online…

WaTech is announcing rate adjustments to four of the agency's services. The new rate structure reflects a careful review and evaluation of each of their services with a focus on core services, three of which are currently not cost recoverable.

The table below illustrates these rate changes:

Service Name

Current Rate

Approved Rate…

Washington has been named one of the top states for data innovation according to a comprehensive study released by the Center for Data Innovation released on July 31. The study, which used 25 indicators across three categories to assess which states are doing the most to encourage and enable data-driven innovation, ranked Washington No. 2 nationally.

The Center for Data Innovation is a…