- Organizational Staffing: The Enterprise Cloud Computing Manager position was posted. Interviews have been scheduled and it is anticipated that the successful candidate will start in October.
- Communications: ECCP staff has been working with WaTech Communications to develop one-page documents about the state’s Cloud Smart Strategy. Documents have been completed for the overall strategy and the Workforce Training and Readiness goal.
- Foundational Services: ECCP developed a Q1 and Q2 roadmap to identify deliverables for the rest of the calendar year. Staff have met with partners in Technology and Operations to learn more about how cloud services are currently delivered and what gaps exist between what is currently offered and the future vision for the program. We completed a maturity model assessment from Amazon Web Services and are awaiting results.
- Workforce and Training: ECCP staff and partners from State Human Resources and the Department of Enterprise Services interviewed three vendor candidates for a workforce readiness assessment project. A vendor has been selected and will start in October. The team has continued to host presentations from training platform vendors and has met with the Department of Enterprise Services to learn how vendor platforms can connect to the state learning management system. Training personas have been approved by the IT Professional Structure Governance Committee.
- Consulting, Brokerage, and Marketplace: ECCP staff and leadership held visioning sessions to brainstorm ideas for future Consulting, Brokerage, and Marketplace services. A roadmap was developed to complete Q1 and Q2 deliverables.