ECCP update February 2023
- Organizational staffing: The ECCP has hired a Cloud Data Analyst, who started in February, and is continuing to look at temporary consultant options to work on specific projects until the team is able to hire more full-time staff.
- Statewide cloud strategy: The team has completed a cloud strategy.
- The Cloud Center of Excellence Portal & Content: A prototype was released in February. Content is under development.
- The Network and Security Cloud Assessment project: An executive final presentation is scheduled for early March to the WaTech management team.
- IBM Cloud Security Architecture: This project (which is focused on approved security patterns in architecture) has been ongoing for the past quarter. Five documents were drafted and are currently in review.
- Cloud workforce training specialist position is posted. This position is part of the Enterprise Cloud Computing (ECC) program. The Cloud Workforce Training Specialist will be relied on to help move the program's mission forward by developing and managing the cloud workforce training program.