Happy New Year and Happy Data Privacy Week!
January 28 is designated internationally - and in Washington state by Gov. Jay Inslee - as Data Privacy Day, an event to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices. To celebrate, the Office of Privacy and Data Protection (OPDP) is hosting several activities next week, including presentations and a data privacy quiz game.
Next week's (Jan. 23 to Jan. 28) events include:
AGO Data Breach Report: Data Privacy edition: Now in its seventh year, the Attorney General's Office (AGO) report found that data breaches remained at historic highs in 2022. A webinar hosted by subject matter experts from the AGO will cover the report's findings and recommendations. (Tuesday, Jan. 24 noon to 1)
Health Data Privacy Webinar: Join me and Jennifer Lee from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for important tips on how to safeguard your personal health information from invasive data practices. We will also talk about proposed legislation seeking to protect health data. (Thursday, Jan. 26 noon to 1)
Kahoot! Privacy Quiz: Come test your knowledge of data privacy and the Office of Privacy and Data Protection's work. We will have Amazon gift cards for the winners! (Friday, Jan. 27 10 to 10:45)
Privacy Minutes!: OPDP recorded several educational videos on important consumer privacy issues to keep in mind to protect your digital privacy. Watch for these short clips to be released throughout the week!
Links to events will be posted on the 2023 Date Privacy Week website: https://watech.wa.gov/Data-Privacy-Week-2023.
Other training opportunities
We are planning to hold our Privacy Primer Workshop again on March 2 and March 3 for public employees seeking to create or expand their privacy programs. Email privacy@watech.wa.gov to register or get more information about the workshop!
Katy Ruckle
State Chief Privacy Officer