Weekly Update July 28 - August 1

This week, the WABOS team focused on two major tasks:
1) Prototype creation.
Max put the finishing touches on the first iteration of the Unified Registration Form prototype. This early version is a google form with all of the information Secretary of State and Department of Revenue requests on their paper registration forms. A test user can fill out the single form without having to fill out any duplicate information. On the backend, we can automatically fill out the paper forms with the information they gave us, then send those paper forms to their respective departments.

Justin created two prototypes. One was a Google Calendar containing every fixed State and Federal due date. With a single click, users can import this calendar into their calendar of choice, so they'll never be unaware of another date. Justin also built the early prototype of a system that would generate Calendar files based on what licenses and permits you selected, and how often they must be renewed.
2) Roadtrip Planning
We needed to plan another road trip for the team to test their prototypes with business owners. Charlotte found, contacted, and scheduled at least 15 interviews for next week. The team will be testing their prototypes with business owners in Vancouver, Ocean Shores, Port Angeles, and other towns in Southern and Western Washington. After the road trip, we'll know what is useful, what isn't, and what we need to change and test in the next iteration.