WaTech publishes the FY22-23 IT Biennial Report

WaTech has released its 2021-23 IT Biennial Report, as required under state law, which highlights progress made implementing the state strategic information technology plan from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023.

The report portrays a state on the edge of technological transformation. Advancements that were once fodder for science fiction have become commonplace, but some of our state government IT systems are reliant on outdated technology. As a result, the delivery of state services today isn't much different than it was decades ago.

This report shows the state’s technology investment of more than $4.3 billion during the past biennium is driving Washington toward a better future by funding investments in technologies, systems and processes that will create a more modern, connected government and a more efficient resident experience.

This report highlights the large amount of work now underway with engaged business and IT staff from multiple agencies, which is funded by these investments, including:

  • Efforts to attract and retain an IT workforce.
  • Oversight of major state IT projects.
  • Staying abreast of evolving privacy and cyber threats.  

Access to the report is available on the WaTech website at https://watech.wa.gov/about/reports-documents.