Computing and Telecommunication Architectural Standards – Internet Domain Name Standards
EA-01-01-S was 171.10
This document describes the internet Domain Name System (DNS) and Washington state's Domain and Host Naming Standards, which are designed to:
- provide for users, domain and host names that clearly indicate the legitimacy and authority of government web applications, services, and information, (including, but not limited to those that include transactions involving personally identifiable information and financial payments),
- provide agency domain administrators with clear written naming standards to follow when requesting internet domain and host names, and
- provide the WaTech domain administrator with standards from which decisions can be made regarding requests for internet domain and host names and naming structures.
Adopted by the Information Services Board (ISB) on December 6, 2001
Policy No: 800-S1
Also See: 700-P1
Supersedes No: N/A
Effective Date: December 6, 2001
NOTE on 11/3/2016
This policy is undergoing a sunset review. Staff are doing preliminary rewrite/updates before starting governance steps, including agency reviews.
In the meantime, here are links to helpful information on processes and resources:
- Information on the Domain Naming Services (DNS) service
- DNS Request Form