Shared Use Network Membership (TOS)

(Updated 09/04/2019)

This Service is subject to and governed by the Member's separate signed Master Services Agreement (MSA) or Customer Service Agreement (CSA) as applicable, with WaTech, doing business as Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech). For the purposes of this agreement "you" and "Member" are used interchangeability and mean the entity for which WaTech has contracted for services as part of a shared use telecommunications and information services network. This Agreement is entered into between you and WaTech to document the roles and responsibilities of Membership.

A. Service Description

WaTech is responsible for management of and connectivity to Agency networks, enabling WaTech to more efficiently manage enterprise network resource needs. Such services include managing Member requests and requirements; technical designs; provisioning; maintenance and operations; contract and Vendor management; capacity planning; and management of provider edge and core network devices.

WaTech's Network Services delivers the networking infrastructure and technology that provides the following to state agencies and other authorized Members:

  • Connectivity to the State's Wide Area Network (WAN)
  • Resilient and highly available Internet access
  • Connectivity to enterprise applications and services
  • Colocation Service (data center connectivity) support

WaTech Network Services is comprised of two main segments provided based on specific Member requirements and may include one or more subcomponents.

  • Network Core: WaTech manages the Network Core, which is fully redundant at the State Data Center (SDC) and fully extended and duplicated at the Quincy Data Center. Each data center has fully redundant Internet connections with geographically diverse fiber routes to different Internet peering points. The data centers are also interconnected with high capacity Ethernet circuits with geographically diverse fiber routes. The Network Core is comprised of the following:
    • Logical State Networks:
      • State Government Network (SGN) is the state's security boundary for its enterprise-managed internal network that is built around Internet technologies, security, and standards (such as Washington State IT Policy 141.10) to enable participating agencies to share mission critical applications and data within the statewide private network.
      • Inter-Governmental Network (IGN) is a state-managed private network with known end points and tenants that provides Washington state counties and cities, federal agencies, tribes, health districts, and other authorized Members secure access to managed gateways and applications owned by the State. This network allows application access and information sharing across all levels of government. The IGN has a physical network aggregation presence in all 39 Washington counties and select locations, and governmental entities.
      • Public Government Network (PGN) provides secured and unsecured public access to online government web services through the Internet. The PGN provides citizens access to individualized government services through portals and websites, improving service and cutting costs.
    • Internet: WaTech provides all of the inbound and outbound internet traffic to government Members with high-speed, redundant, and secure Internet access. This service includes IP addressing.
    • Routing Isolation and Aggregation: WaTech manages the network to ensure that connections are both securely "known and connected" to each other, where/how needed, as well as isolated from each other, where/how required, through the use of Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRFs) tables and Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). VRFs allow network paths to be privately segmented (layer 3 isolation) via a routing table across multiple routing devices. VRFs enable flexible and scalable network designs to interconnect multiple Member Local Area Networks (LANs); also called Wide Area Network (WAN) aggregation. VLANs allow packet level separation (layer 2).
    • WAN Circuit Aggregation: WaTech aggregates connections from various commercial providers, WaTech's State Metropolitan Optical Network (SMON), and campus fiber infrastructure, which are brought into the Network Core with seamless interconnectivity.
    • Monitoring and Troubleshooting: At the highest level this consists of determining a real-time and ongoing basis the degree to which the network is performing as anticipated and managing any incidents or potential problems determined through monitoring tools or through reports from users. The WaTech Network Operations Center (NOC) provides active monitoring of the Network Core and all Member connections that attach to the Network Core. Infrastructure deployed includes Cisco SmartNet and troubleshooting support for all Core and Provider Edge (PE) devices.
    • End of Row Connectivity: Provides network connectivity for the WaTech Colocation Service Members. The WaTech Colocation Service provides data center facilities to Members who wish to locate IT equipment they own and operate in a secure, professionally managed, state-of-the-art data center. WaTech's Colocation Service provides space, power, cooling, connectivity, and physical and network security for the server, storage, and networking equipment of WaTech Members.
  • Transport and Connectivity: WaTech manages the data transported within the state's Wide Area Network (WAN) that runs over a combination of WaTech operated optical network running over primarily long term leased dark fiber and competitively acquired commercial carrier Ethernet services. Transport and Connectivity is made up of the following components:
    • Member Site Connectivity:
      • Provider Last Mile offers a means to facilitate Member site connectivity to the state network utilizing commercial carrier provided Ethernet services.
      • State Metropolitan Optical Network (SMON) is a series of interconnected managed fiber rings established between select areas of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey. Agency offices within the service area of the SMON may be connected to this network.
      • Campus Fiber Network (CFN) allows Member sites to be connected using fiber optic facilities installed throughout the Capitol Campus. CFN circuits are primarily terminated into SMON node sites.
    • Provider Edge (PE) Devices: WaTech owns and manages all Provider Edge (PE) devices deployed at sites housing multiple WaTech Members. PE devices allow secure transport of data through one physical circuit to multiple Members at a site.
    • Customer Edge (CE) Devices: CE devices are deployed at sites that house only one WaTech Member or sites where the Member chooses to deploy a CE device behind a WaTech PE device. CE devices are Member owned and typically managed or co-managed by WaTech (for details see our CE Service Announcement). Standard service for CE (co)management includes configuration management and monitoring of authorized Cisco devices. Additionally, WaTech works with the Member team to help coordinate any SmartNet repairs or device maintenance. Members are required to maintain the CE devices under a current Cisco SmartNet contract. There is no additional cost for WaTech to provide this service. Agencies are not required to provide WaTech with the ability to remotely monitor (via Simple Network Management Protocol [SNMP]) CE routers. However, this is a minimum best practice.
    • Ethernet Transport and Connectivity Contracts and Procurement Process: WaTech Ethernet provider contracts are in place to assist Washington State Government, Municipal, Local, Tribal and Non-Profit entities in the procurement of networking services. These services include, but are not limited to; local access connectivity, wide-area network connectivity and data transport services. WaTech is solely responsible for running the competitive procurements. Members work with WaTech to define the procurement requirements and WaTech regularly updates Members on the status of the procurement. WaTech sends bid requests to all Vendors with a signed Master Services Agreement and technical addendum for the service being procured and selects a provider based on the published RFQ defined selection criteria. WaTech is responsible for all contract negotiation, contract management, Vendor management, Vendor invoice management, invoice reconciliation and Vendor service credits for non-performance.

B. Availability

WaTech recognizes that Members expect network services to be available 24 hours per day, 365 calendar days per year. WaTech provides Member support through the WaTech Support Center. The WaTech Network Operations Center (NOC) also provides 24x7x365 coverage with proactive monitoring, troubleshooting, and alerting of service outages. The Network Operations Center (NOC) is staffed from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, and emergency on-call support is available outside those hours.

Service availability and performance metrics are specific to individual segments. Network downtime is calculated commencing with the date and time on which the WaTech monitoring tool(s) detect an outage and ending when the monitoring tool(s) detect service restoration. Incident tickets are created for such events, and the closing of the incident ticket will include all pertinent information from the incident as well as the resolution, the root cause and actual downtime duration.

  1. WaTech Network Core Service Availability

    The Network Core service availability objective is 99.99% measured on a monthly basis, excluding schedule and emergency maintenance.
  2. WaTech Transport and Connectivity Service Availability

    The Transport and Connectivity service availability objective is 99.9% measured on a monthly basis, excluding schedule and emergency maintenance. The Transport and Connectivity service is largely provided by and dependent upon service providers. WaTech continually works with our providers regarding contractual obligations to ensure they meet the availability objective.
  3. Chronic Service

    WaTech considers a Vendor provided Ethernet circuit as having chronic problems when it has failed to meet the Vendor required Service Level Agreements that are defined in its current Master Services Agreement and applicable Technical Addendums. A Service becomes chronic when any Outage extends beyond any one of the following two occurrences or duration ratios: (a) three occurrences within thirty consecutive days, or (b) five occurrences within six months.
  4. Maintenance Policy

    WaTech monitors and implements networking equipment and network software upgrades, including patch management, used in the delivery of WaTech's Network Services. WaTech also contracts with system software and hardware Vendors to provide extended technical support whenever system problems and degradation require Vendor intervention.

    WaTech performs Network Service maintenance in ways to minimize interruptions on services and Members. Maintenance events are scheduled and published in advance. Impact on Members is the primary consideration for determining the maintenance window of specific events. WaTech avoids performing maintenance activities during prime business operating hours and will coordinate with Members in advance if work is required outside regularly scheduled timeframes.
    1. Network Business Operating Hours

      The prime business operating hours of the Network are 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. To the extent it is commercially reasonable to do so, WaTech will contract with any Vendor of products and services to the shared use network to avoid performing maintenance activities during prime business operating hours, unless Member requests and/or agrees to a timeframe outside of prime business operating hours.
    2. Scheduled Maintenance Windows

      WaTech performs scheduled maintenance when required between the hours of 7 p.m. and 5 a.m. WaTech's network providers are required to schedule maintenance activities between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., unless Member requests and/or agrees to a timeframe outside of the standard scheduled maintenance hours.
    3. Emergency Maintenance

      WaTech will coordinate emergency maintenance with Members on a best effort basis. WaTech will contact Members as soon as practicable once a need for emergency maintenance is recognized. WaTech will notify Members of the completion and status of emergency maintenance.
  5. Change Management

    All changes to WaTech Data Center computing and network environments are managed to promote or provide stability and minimize the impact of the changes to its Members. All changes to the WaTech computing and network environments are implemented in accordance with Information Technology Service Management Operations Manual Standards and Procedures. Members can sign up for notifications to receive up-to-date information on upcoming changes via email, or visit the WaTech Support website for system alerts and outages.
  6. Security Management

    WaTech provides a security system infrastructure that reasonably protects its Members from unauthorized external access to or broadcast on the Internet of Member's intellectual property, proprietary and confidential data. WaTech shall ensure the security infrastructure is configured and maintained in compliance with Washington State IT Security Policy and Standards as well as the WaTech Information Technology Service Management Operations Manual Standards and Procedures.

C. Charges

  1. Network Allocation Guidelines for all Subscribing Members:
    1. In the 2015-2017 Biennial budget the Legislature allocated WaTech's current Members with this intent:

      -The agency [WaTech] will take over responsibility from agencies for management of and connectivity to these networks, enabling it to more efficiently manage enterprise network resource needs. The full cost of the networks will be allocated...

    2. The majority of Washington State Agencies were part of this Network Allocation.
    3. Incremental additions and subtractions of services do not result in additional or reduced billing for network allocated Members.
    4. Excluded from Network Allocation are services such as Member local area networks, wireless, voice, audio/video conferencing, virtual private networks, and cloud connectivity services.
    5. The Network Allocation amount is baselined and updated by Office of Financial Management (OFM) at least every two years. Members are encouraged to consult with their organization's finance or budget teams to confirm allocation impacts, especially for organizations that are not fully or mostly funded by the State's general fund./li>
    6. Members may also contact the WaTech Support Center to determine if the Network Allocation covers a specific request.
    7. State Agency Members in the budget allocation are not billed for services included in the allocation. Payment for non-allocated services shall be made within thirty-days of receipt of the WaTech invoice.
    8. Once Member provides WaTech the appropriate Network connectivity technical data, WaTech will email Member a quote with applicable charges for Member approval. WaTech shall not provision services until Member formally acknowledges and accepts quote in writing. Provisioning of services shall be billed and payable per the terms of the MSA on a monthly basis, starting thirty- days after service provisioning.
  2. Network Allocation Guidelines for Members using the Network Core Service:
    1. All WaTech Network Core equipment, services, and support is included in the Network Allocation.
    2. Members receive up to five network segments (Virtual Routing and Forwarding tables (VRFs).
  3. Network Allocation Guidelines for Members using the Transport and Connectivity Service:
    1. The following items are included in Network Allocation:
      1. Circuit Monthly Recurring Cost (MRC)
      2. Non Recurring Costs (NRC) up to a set amount
      3. Purchase and maintenance of Provider Edge (PE) devices where multiple Members are at the same site
  4. Items not included in the Network Allocation:
    1. The following items are not included in the Network Allocation:
      1. Non Recurring Costs (NRC) exceeding a set amount
      2. Non-standard/exceptional (one off) costs
      3. Purchase and maintenance of Member Edge (CE) devices
      4. Funding multiple circuits to one site/Member (Example, Transport & Connectivity Services for Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity purposes)
      5. Campus fiber network routes (Olympia campus only). Rates published on the WaTech website
      6. Campus fiber certification for speeds 1Gbps and higher (Olympia campus only) Rates published on the WaTech website
      7. WaTech's Administrative Fee to cover time and material costs associated with the procurement, installation and management of Services provided that are not included in the Network Allocation
      8. Requests for configuration changes that are not related to the installation or restoration of Services; are performed by a third-party Vendor; and result in WaTech being billed for time and materials.
      9. Termination fees for early termination may apply to Services provided by third-party Vendors. Member shall be provided prior notice of any third-party early termination fees. Member agrees to pay any termination liability assessed by the third-party Vendor, in the event of Member voluntarily requesting service termination for reasons other than the Vendor's material breach.
  5. Billing Guidelines:
    1. WaTech will send Member a billing report before the 10th business day of each month.
    2. WaTech will correct previously paid invoices retroactive to the start of the Member's fiscal year. WaTech will return to the Member any overcharges associated with corrected invoices. Member agrees to promptly pay WaTech any undercharges, not in dispute, associated with corrected invoices.
    3. WaTech Service additions or changes and all Vendor related charges such as circuits, equipment, maintenance, etc. that are not included in the Network Allocation are billed based on actual days used during the month.
    4. All service cancellations must be submitted in writing by authorized personnel, identified in the Member Contact Information in Section F, to the WaTech Support Center. The Member is contractually obligated to pay for the service for the negotiated term even if the Member terminates the service early.
    5. Tariff changes and/or associated sales tax increases, which are not under WaTech's control and not covered under a Vendor contract, will be passed on to the Member for Services purchased that are not included in the Network Allocation.
    6. Billing for Services provided that are not included in the Network Allocation will be based on established WaTech cost models and provided to Member as a quotation for Services.
    7. WaTech will credit Member for any refund provided by the Vendor for circuits or equipment that the Member was billed for and does not meet tariff or contracted specifications. If the circuit is shared, Member will receive a corresponding percentage of the credit based on usage.
    8. Member is responsible for payment of purchased items not included in the Network Allocation, which will be invoiced monthly starting after service provisioning upon Member acceptance of the quote and subsequent delivery of the service.

D. Responsibilities

  1. WaTech Responsibilities:
    1. WaTech will work on behalf of the Shared Use participants and will be the "Member of Record" for all network services contracted by WaTech on behalf of the Members, and will be responsible for coordination and management of all service providers.
    2. WaTech will manage (or will manage the applicable Vendors or service providers with respect to) the Provider Last Mile that is used to facilitate Member site connectivity to the state network.
    3. WaTech will manage (or will manage the applicable Vendors or service providers with respect to) the State Metropolitan Optical Network (SMON), which is a series of interconnected managed fiber rings established between select areas of Olympia, Tumwater, and Lacey. Member agency offices within the service area of the SMON may be connected to this network.
    4. WaTech will manage (or will manage the applicable Vendors or service providers with respect to) the Campus Fiber Network (CFN), which allows Member sites to be connected using fiber optic facilities installed throughout the Capitol Campus. CFN circuits are primarily terminated into SMON node sites.
    5. WaTech owns, or leases and manages (or directs the management of) all Provider Edge (PE) devices which are deployed at sites housing multiple WaTech Members. PE devices allow secure transport of data through one physical circuit to multiple Members at a site. Customer Edge (CE) devices are Member owned or leased and typically managed or co-managed by WaTech.
    6. WaTech will manage and troubleshoot (or contract with the applicable Vendor or provider to do so) all WAN circuits directly attached to the WaTech backbone, working with the appropriate service Vendor(s) and Member(s) to resolve all network problem(s). Circuit installation and support consists of:
      1. Coordinating all circuit installation(s) with the Member and contracted service provider;
      2. Monitoring, on an on-going basis, all network circuits for potential problems;
      3. Reporting detected problem(s) to the contracted service provider for problem resolution; and
      4. Member staff will provide troubleshooting assistance and site access as needed to expedite circuit recovery.
    7. WaTech will manage and troubleshoot (or contract with the applicable Vendor or provider to do so) all routers and circuit interface hardware directly attached to the WaTech backbone, working with appropriate service Vendor(s) and Member(s) to resolve all network problem(s). Hardware installation and support consists of:
      1. Coordinating all circuit interface installation(s) with the Member and proper equipment Vendor;
      2. Monitoring, on an on-going basis, all router and circuit interface hardware for potential problems;
      3. Reporting detected problem(s) to the proper contracted hardware maintenance Vendor for problem resolution; and
      4. Reporting problem resolution to Member
    8. WaTech will maintain connectivity of the Provider Edge (PE) and any WaTech-managed or co-Managed Customer Edge (CE) device at the Member field sites and will work with the Member and Vendors to troubleshoot and resolve any problems or contract with the applicable Vendor or provider to do so.
    9. All WaTech sourced changes to the Member premise equipment configuration will be coordinated with the Member in advance.
    10. WaTech will assume primary responsibility for backing up the configurations in WaTech-managed edge routers. The configurations contain sensitive information and will be protected by WaTech from unauthorized access.
    11. Incident Management
      1. Network Business Operating Hours

        The prime business operating hours of the Network are 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. To the extent it is commercially reasonable to do so, WaTech will contract with any Vendor of products and services to the shared use network to avoid performing maintenance activities during prime business operating hours.
      2. WaTech Support Center (Tier 1)

        The WaTech Support Center has multiple telephone lines to respond to Member calls. The WaTech Support Center phone numbers are:
        360-586-1000 or toll-free 855-WaTech1 (855-928-3241)
      3. Reporting Network Outages and Incidents

        WaTech shall report all network outages and network incidents, as they occur, to the Member's Service Desk (if applicable) and the WaTech Support Center identified in Section F. The Member may report any known outages to the WaTech Support Center.

        If all lines are busy, the incoming calls are sequenced and answered in order of receipt. If technicians are away from the phone, the caller may choose to leave a voicemail message. The technician will automatically be paged and will return the call.

        The Member will receive a trouble ticket log number when an incident is reported. Within 10 minutes of the initial problem report, the WaTech Support Center will refer the problem ticket to NOC technicians.

        WaTech will actively monitor (24/7) network connections to Member field sites. In the event of an outage, WaTech will notify Member technical staff within 20 minutes of an outage. Member staff will verify that the site has electrical power and provide WaTech with a contact name.
      4. High Priority Sites

        If a designated "high priority" site experiences an outage after core business hours, after the Member verifies site power and access, the Member can call the WaTech Support Center and utilize the afterhours on call procedures. A WaTech NOC technician will troubleshoot, and if necessary, coordinate with the last-mile provider to dispatch a technician to resolve the issue.
  2. Member Responsibilities:
    1. Member will provide WaTech with contact names of Member personnel authorized to coordinate and/or request changes to the network.
    2. Member understands and agrees that all WaTech managed Transport must terminate to a WaTech site.
    3. Member understands and agrees to provide timely access to and pertinent information about their sites that utilize WaTech Transport services. Additionally, Member will take all other action requested by WaTech that is necessary for the performance by WaTech, Vendors and service providers of the applicable agreements for the products and services contracted on behalf of the Member under the Vendor's Master Services Agreement and applicable Addendums.
    4. Member must provide a completed EDN Customer Request Form for each new connection or existing sites that need to be renewed at the time their service request is submitted to the WaTech Support Center.

      Members understands it may request that WaTech designate a site that has business critical operations such as life, safety or health services as "high priority" within WaTech's monitoring tools. Member agrees to provide an after-hours support contact that is able to assist WaTech with confirming power, and if necessary, coordinating site access in the event that there is an issue with a designated high priority site.
    5. Member understands and agrees to be responsible for the physical health of any WaTech and Vendor-owned devices while on Member premises. As a result, WaTech and its contracted Vendors recommend installing and can provide an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) for use with WaTech or Vendor-owned devices. If Member elects to use a WaTech or Vendor-owned UPS.

      Member agrees to the following:
      1. Member shall not plug other devices not owned by WaTech or its Vendors into the WaTech or Vendor-owned UPS.
      2. If a WaTech or Vendor-owned device fails while plugged into the WaTech or Vendor-owned UPS, WaTech will cover the replacement costs.
      3. If Member does not have the space available or otherwise does not desire to support the installation of a WaTech or Vendor-owned UPS, Member understands and agrees that WaTech and its Vendors cannot guarantee the same level of service availability and proactive monitoring in the event of a power issue.
      4. Member will not disconnect WaTech and Vendor-owned devices from its power source. The WaTech-owned devices should only be unplugged under the direction of a WaTech Technician.
      5. If a WaTech or Vendor-owned device fails or is damaged due to the Member unplugging the power supply from the device, the Member will incur a service fee to cover the costs of repair and/or replacing the device.
      6. Any deviation requires the written consent of WaTech.
    6. Member understands and agrees to provide a security system infrastructure that reasonably protects its Members from unauthorized external access to or broadcast on the Internet of Member's intellectual property, proprietary and confidential data. Member shall ensure the security infrastructure is configured and maintained in compliance with Washington State IT Security Policy and Standards as well as the WaTech Information Technology Service Management Operations Manual Standards and Procedures.
  1. Shared Responsibilities
    1. The shared responsibilities are defined on the WaTech website.

E. Special Terms

  1. Compliance: WaTech will comply with all applicable Office of the Chief Information Officer policies and procedures. In the event additional regulatory compliance obligations exist, Member agrees to notify WaTech of those specific obligations in writing.
  2. Prohibited Conduct By Users: In using any of the Services, Member or its users shall not:
    (i) Disrupt or interfere with the security or use of any of the Services; (ii) violate any applicable laws, statutes, rules, or regulations, or the terms of any applicable Vendor Contracts; or (iii) assist any third party in engaging in any activity prohibited by these Service Terms.
  3. Acceptable Use: Member agrees to take responsibility for providing notice and obtaining assent from the service end users to an acceptable use policy as set forth below, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference:


WaTech provides shared use of access to Internet in selected areas for guests ("You"). You should have up-to-date virus protection on Your computers or devices, as well as staying up-to-date with applicable OS security patches. This Agreement is in addition to any restrictions and terms You have with Your Internet Service Provider and any agreement we have with You for providing other services You use as part of this Service.

Use of such access to the Internet is allowed for users with an assigned user name and password only. You will be responsible for preserving the confidentiality of your password or key and will notify us of any known or suspected unauthorized use of the Service.

Use of access to the Internet is provided as a service by WaTech. It is not the intent of WaTech to create a traditional or limited public forum and WaTech may restrict access to certain sites and communication protocols found to be malicious and inappropriate.

Unauthorized use of the Service is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to, any use that violates any applicable rule, law, policy or other regulatory requirement. You agree not to use the Service to transmit any defamatory, abusive, obscene, threatening or illegal material, or any other material that infringes on the rights of others.

Pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §512(i), it is the policy of the WaTech to terminate in appropriate circumstances the Services of users who are repeat infringers.

By using the Service, You agree that WaTech is not liable for any costs or damages arising from your use of this Service and WaTech does not control any materials, information, products or services on the Internet. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold WaTech and the State of Washington harmless from any claims arising out of or relating to your actions, including, but not limited to, your use of the Service and any information you submit, post, transmit, or make available via the Service; failure to safeguard your passwords, backup question to your shared secret question, or other account information; or violating this Agreement or any policy referenced in this Agreement, any applicable law or regulation, or the rights of any third-party.

WaTech may, but has no obligation to monitor and audit the users of this system, and all persons are hereby notified that use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. WaTech retains the right to deny access to anyone who we believe has violated these terms or any other term of this Agreement.

If you are a state employee, please note this Service may be a state resource subject to the Ethics in Public Service Act, agency policies, and other applicable rules. Please check with your agency Ethics Officer for more information. Please also note the Indemnification provisions are not applicable to your use of the Service for official job duties.

F. Shared Use Membership Agreement Contact Information

Unless otherwise indicated, all correspondence regarding this Shared Use Network Membership Agreement should be directed to:

  • WaTech Contact Information

    WaTech Support Center

    Support Center Phone: 360-586-1000 or 855-928-3241

    Support Center E-Mail: