WaTech in the News

The cybersecurity landscape is changing rapidly, and not in a good way.

Cyberattacks are no longer the sole domain of nation states and a relatively small number of criminals with technical skills. Hackers now sell their services on the internet; much like private stores sell goods and services to the broader public online.

State and local…

On June 20th, IP Address Management was designated as an Enterprise Service. The net effect of this designation is to:

Assign WaTech responsibility to obtain IP Address blocks on behalf of all state agencies Require agencies to obtain their IP Address blocks from WaTech

This enterprise service designation is effective with IPv6. WaTech has already obtained a massive…

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WaTech's Office of Cybersecurity is seeing a new phishing campaign that tries to trick people into revealing their work login credentials. The twist to this campaign is that it also tries to trick users into authorizing a two-factor authentication request that allows bad actors access to their accounts.

Here's an example of what we're seeing:

1. A phishing email says you…

BELLINGHAM - Students might be surprised by the variety of careers available in the public sector and should strongly consider working for government, state Chief Information Security Officer Vinod Brahmapuram told a cybersecurity class this week.

The state Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) made a daylong visit at Western Washington University on Feb. 19. OCS was there to congratulate a…