WaTech in the News

RCW 19.360 authorizes state agencies to use electronic signatures to conduct their business unless otherwise prohibited. However, the decision to use or rely on electronic signatures is one that each agency must make on their own, based on a business assessment and risk analysis.

To support state agencies in their evaluations, Electronic Signature Guidelines have been published…

The State Auditor does a lot more than just audit state agencies. They are also the steward of the uniform chart of accounts - a shared standard on reporting basic financials that makes it possible to compare and explore the financials of all kinds of communities in the state.

You can run reports from this cool database query page: LGFRS

Dear Washingtonians,

I want to update you on new legislation, recently signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee, that takes an important step in creating a unified approach to cybersecurity in state government.

Senate Bill 5432 establishes the state Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) as the state's lead organization in combatting cyber threats and creates a clear mandate for the…

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Hacktober campaign!

Thousands of state employees took part in WaTech's fourth annual Hacktober campaign, organized by the state Office of Cybersecurity (OCS). This year's campaign included a new online quiz, an improved cybersecurity escape room, a "careless cube" (outside the escape room) and a series of presentations all aimed at…

On January 11, 2016, the Governor directed agencies to ensure the existence of appropriate and accountable governance for critical systems so that priority issues are given priority attention. In response to the directive, agencies were required to submit attestations about their critical systems. The material below contains the attestation information as reported by the agencies.