WaTech in the News

Katy Ruckle, WaTech’s state Chief Privacy Officer, and Nick Stowe, WaTech's state Chief Technology Officer, appeared on TVW’s Inside Olympia this week to discuss how the state plans to handle the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).

Gov. Jay Inslee recently released an executive order to “develop guidelines for how the state adopts generative…

Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) is excited to announce the launch of its 2024-2026 strategic plan that’s focused on improving life for everyone in Washington through innovative IT solutions.

"We're building on our past successes and setting a vision for a future where our technology makes a real difference in people's lives across our state,"…

Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order on Jan. 30, 2024, to develop guidelines for how the state adopts generative artificial intelligence into its own systems to ensure its ethical and transparent use.

Under Inslee’s order, WaTech, the agency operating the state’s technology and…

Privacy Week helps spread awareness about online privacy and educates people on how to manage their personal information and keep it secure. The celebration culminates with Data Privacy Day on Jan. 28. 

Gov. Jay Inslee has proclaimed Jan. 28 as Data Privacy Day in Washington state. To celebrate and recognize Privacy Week this year, WaTech's Office of Data and Privacy Protection (OPDP)…

Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) is working to stay ahead of the curve on IT issues and transform the way the state delivers services to Washingtonians by creating a connected government that leaves no community behind.

Many of the efforts well underway in Washington state were also recently identified by the National Association of State Chief Information…