WaTech in the News

The statewide strategic plan has a number of inputs including:

Enterprise business goals and priorities as laid out in Results Washington The vision of the state CIO The advice of the Technology Services Board The voice of agency CIOs Legislative expectations as laid out in statue, including RCW 43.105, and Technology trends.

Using information from all these sources, the statewide…

Software Retirement Bulletin: September 2015 is now available for your use. It contains information about end of software support for a number of commonly used software products. The document notes products that recently reached end of support as well as products that have upcoming retirements or reach end of mainstream support. This bulletin is intended to support agency planning for…

This week, the WABOS team focused on two major tasks: 1) Prototype creation. Max put the finishing touches on the first iteration of the Unified Registration Form prototype. This early version is a google form with all of the information Secretary of State and Department of Revenue requests on their paper registration forms. A test user can fill out the single form without…

Dear Washingtonians!

Each day seems to bring news of cyberattacks across the country, from ransomware to identity theft, that cause disruptions in service and enormous financial losses. Yet we still underestimate the true threat.

The most recent Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report had an interesting statistic that demonstrates this point. The study found that only four…

That valentine that just arrived in your email may not be what it seems.

According to a recent report from the SANS Internet Storm Center, there's a new malware campaign carrying ransomware with subject lines that include "Always thinking about you" and "I love you."

The emails have attachments that all start with "Love_you." Opening the attachments will infect the users'…