WaTech in the News

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued recommendations local governments can use to help protect against ransomware attacks.

The FBI notes that ransomware attacks on local governments have disrupted services and pose risks to public safety, as well as financial losses. Incidents reported to the FBI during 2021 indicated that local governments had the second highest number…

A National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin issued earlier this month regarding Iran has been extended until March 18, 2020. The bulletin from the Department of Homeland Security notes: "At this time, we have no information indicating a specific, credible threat to the Homeland; however, we remain concerned about Iran's potential to carry out cyber attacks."

Work session on Open Data and the Public Records Act in the House State Government committee on 7/12/2016. The Open Data briefing is a StoryMap, available online here: https://arcg.is/29v3x3W

Other presentations are here: Electronic Bill Book

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Here are technology-related bills to watch through this week.

Go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ to track activities on any bill.

Meeting Schedules for February 10, 2015

General Government & Information Technology - 2/10/2015 3:30:00 PM Full Committee House Hearing Rm C John L. O'Brien Building Olympia, WA 98504

Potential Executive…

We have all experienced the unprecedented pace of technological change spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything from videoconferencing, to remote access, to Washingtonian's expectations for online services has changed dramatically. The velocity at which this transformation is occurring, if anything, will likely increase.

Which brings me to my question for today: Are the…