WaTech in the News

The FBI is warning that cyber criminals are targeting teleworking employees with fraudulent termination phishing emails and video teleconferencing (VTC) meeting invites, citing COVID-19 as the reason.

The emails try to lure victims into clicking on malicious links by offering to provide more information or online conferences regarding termination or severance packages. The…

The state Department of Revenue won the 1st Annual Cyber Escape Room competition at the state Office of CyberSecurity.

"I thought that the Cyber Escape Room was a great way to demonstrate some of the risks related to physical security. I had a lot of fun with it," said Sean Steiger-McRae, a member of the three-person DOR team that reached the final stage of the escape room with the…

On June 20th, IP Address Management was designated as an Enterprise Service. The net effect of this designation is to:

Assign WaTech responsibility to obtain IP Address blocks on behalf of all state agencies Require agencies to obtain their IP Address blocks from WaTech

This enterprise service designation is effective with IPv6. WaTech has already obtained a massive…

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report on Addresses and Orthoimagery was made public and Washington was one of five states interviewed for this report.

Along with the Geospatial Program Office's interview, visits and presentations were made by the Department of Revenue and Transportation.

Specific recommendations were made on pages 72 and 73. It is…

The Agile Fridays Story

Agile practices are changing how organizations deliver customer visible value. Around the world, Agile allows public and private enterprises to deliver value sooner in smaller increments, make customers happier by responding quickly to change, and maintain happier and more productive product teams.

Practicing Agile within the State of…