WaTech in the News

The department of Labor And Industries has published a bunch of new datasets recently from their Intents and Affidavits program. These are reports filed by public works contractors about jobs done under "prevailing wage" rules. The datasets can show (for example) which agencies, contractors and projects have helped apprentices and journey level tradespeople learn on the job.

State GIS Strategic Plan Updated! See where GIS is heading over the next four years.

Click Here to View The Report

WaTech's state Office of Cybersecurity will hold several virtual presentations in October as part of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Please mark your calendar for the following events and bookmark this page (cybersecurity.wa.gov/news/hacktober-presentations) for video links on the day of the presentation.

OCS operational plan

As Dwight D. Eisenhower once said: "Plans are…

William Cram, who is earning a computer science degree, knows security is important but said a recent workshop held at Renton Technical College by the state Office of CyberSecurity (OCS) helped open his eyes.

"I didn't realize how much we are under attack," Cram said.

The workshop, held on April 9, provided information on common cybersecurity threats, such as phishing attacks,…

Washingotn's Public Works Board is starting work on a significant new broadband funding program, enacted by the legislature in 2019. Will Saunders presented "Broadband 101 - History and Data" for the board members at the Board's regular meeting on 10/4.