WaTech in the News

Here are technology-related bills to watch through this week.

Go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/ to track activities on any bill.

Meeting Schedules for February 10, 2015

General Government & Information Technology - 2/10/2015 3:30:00 PM Full Committee House Hearing Rm C John L. O'Brien Building Olympia, WA 98504

Potential Executive…

We have all experienced the unprecedented pace of technological change spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything from videoconferencing, to remote access, to Washingtonian's expectations for online services has changed dramatically. The velocity at which this transformation is occurring, if anything, will likely increase.

Which brings me to my question for today: Are the…

Online shopping continues to grow, now representing more than half of all purchases during the holidays.

Unfortunately, hackers are taking advantage of this trend and victimizing shoppers.

Being aware of the risks and knowing how to take appropriate action is important. One wrong click while shopping online this holiday season could make you vulnerable to hackers wanting to…

RCW 19.360 authorizes state agencies to use electronic signatures to conduct their business unless otherwise prohibited. However, the decision to use or rely on electronic signatures is one that each agency must make on their own, based on a business assessment and risk analysis.

To support state agencies in their evaluations, Electronic Signature Guidelines have been published…

The State Auditor does a lot more than just audit state agencies. They are also the steward of the uniform chart of accounts - a shared standard on reporting basic financials that makes it possible to compare and explore the financials of all kinds of communities in the state.

You can run reports from this cool database query page: LGFRS