Enterprise Cloud Services Allocation

Allocation goal/methodology

The Enterprise Cloud Services Allocation was created in the 2022 Supplemental budget to establish the Enterprise Cloud Computing Program (ECCP), which provides leadership, governance, guidance, training and resources to accelerate the strategic adoption of cloud technologies across Washington state government. The overall mission of this program is to modernize and accelerate the state's information technology migration toward cloud services.

Cloud Services Broker funding was allocated to agencies based on total agency IT spend. Cloud Training funding was allocated based on agency IT full-time employees (FTEs).

What is included in this allocation?

There are five strategic goal areas for the ECC program: Foundation, Workforce, Consulting, Brokerage and Marketplace.

Existing WaTech services (such as Enterprise Architecture and Decision Package consulting, Security Design Review, Program Oversight) and new services in each of the goal areas will be delivered in the form of a statewide cloud marketplace for state agencies to leverage; the same marketplace will also include IaaS, PaaS, SaaS provided by third parties.

How is this allocation governed?

WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and the Office of Financial Management builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.

Leveraging this allocation

 As agencies use the Enterprise Cloud services, agencies will gain greater value from this allocation.

Billing Information

The naming convention for this allocation will be Allocation - Enterprise Cloud Program (EL L120).