Small Agency IT Allocation

Page updated 10/09/2019

Allocation Goal / Methodology

The Small Agency IT Support Allocation was established and funded in the 19-21 biennium. The goal of the allocation is to provide tailored support to meet the IT needs of small agencies who do not have the resources to provide their own and provide current technology while providing a platform to prepare and adjust needs for future technologies as they become available.

How was this calculated?

In 2018, the Governor’s Office, in coordination with the Office of Financial Management (OFM), requested an estimation on providing small agencies with IT support. WaTech formulated a budget estimate to provide information technology services to select small state agencies who expressed interest in centralizing IT services. Although the funding for this is being piloted, WaTech anticipates providing this service to small agencies after the 19-21 biennium.

What is included in this Allocation?

Services in the scope of this pilot funding include:

  • Full-service desktop support, which includes infrastructure, local area network services, support for the daily IT operations (installations, patching, upgrades, and general computer health), hardware, and mobile device management support.
  • Server support services through the private cloud,
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO) consultation services, and
  • Staff to provide services to improve the security of agencies’ equipment and applications and reduce the risk of a security breach. This will, in turn, strengthen security for the entire state network.

What is not included in this Allocation

  • O365 Shared Tenant

How is this Allocation Governed?

WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and OFM builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.

Leveraging this Allocation


Billing Information

The naming convention for this allocation will be “Allocation - Small Agency IT Srvcs (EL L100)”.