State Privacy Office Allocation

Allocation goal/methodology

The State Privacy Office was established to provide ongoing funding to the Office of Privacy and Data Protection (OPDP). OPDP is designated by statute (RCW 43.105.369) to be a central point of contact for state agencies on policy matters involving privacy.

The allocation was distributed to agencies based on agency IT full-time employees (FTEs). For institutions of higher education (both the four-year institutions and the community and technical college system), only IT FTEs that support administrative functions of the institutions are counted. Instructional staff, hospital staff, and other non-administrative positions of the agencies are exempt from the FTE counts.

What is included in this allocation?

As defined by the Legislature, core OPDP duties include:

    • Conducting an annual privacy review for all agencies and publishing an annual aggregated report.
    • Conducting annual training for agencies and employees.
    • Articulating privacy principles and best practices.
    • Coordinating data protection in cooperation with WaTech.
    • Participating in the review of major state agency projects involving personally identifiable information.
    • Developing and promoting best practices, including training, and educating consumers about the use of personal information and measures to protect information.

How is this allocation governed?

WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and OFM builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.

Leveraging this allocation

As agencies use OPDP’s services, agencies will gain greater value from this allocation.

Billing information

The naming convention for this allocation will be Allocation - State Privacy Office (EL L050).