WaTech Central Services Allocation

Allocation goal/methodology

Washington state built an office building at 1500 Jefferson. The office building is a modern, LEED-Platinum facility, and is expensive to own. Hence, the lease costs for the building are above the market rates for office building in Thurston County. This allocation was established to adjust the lease costs at 1500 Jefferson office building to be comparable to the market rates for office buildings in Thurston County.

Funding for the WaTech Central Services Allocation is based on each agency’s percentage of total statewide full-time employees (FTEs) (higher education count includes only administrative FTEs).

What services are included in this allocation?

This allocation is used to bring down the lease costs on the 1500 Jefferson building. There are no services associated with this allocation.

How is this allocation governed?

OFM calculates the allocation methodology and builds the calculations into the central services model. The Legislature approves this methodology by appropriating the expenditures into the operating and transportation budgets.

How do agencies leverage this allocation?

This allocation is used to bring down the lease costs on the 1500 Jefferson building. There are no services associated with the allocation.

How do agencies get billed for this allocation?

The naming convention for this allocation will be Allocation - Jeff Bldg Central Services (EL L070).