- Introduction to WaTech Allocations (Allocated Rates)
- The Allocation Process
- Customer Base, Methodology & Invoicing Structure
- Do Agencies Receive Funding to Pay Allocation Charges?
- Enterprise System Rates Allocation
- State Data Network Allocation
- Security Gateway Allocation
- Security Infrastructure Allocation
- State Data Center (Debt) Allocation
- State Data Center (Operations) Allocation
- Location Based Services Allocation (GIS/WAMAS)
- Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) Allocation
- Small Agency IT Allocation
- Strategy and Management Allocation
- State Privacy Office Allocation
- Microsoft Office 365 Allocation
- Enterprise Data Management Allocation
- Enterprise Cloud Services Allocation
- Enterprise Architecture and Innovation Allocation
- WaTech Central Services Allocation
Page updated 10/31/2024
Allocation goal/methodology
The Enterprise System Rates allocation goal was to simplify and consolidate charges for all enterprise systems used by agencies into a single charge.
Funding allocation for the Enterprise System Rates is based on each agency’s percentage of total statewide FTEs. For institutions of higher education (both the four-year institutions and the community and technical college system), only FTEs that support administrative functions are counted. Office of Financial Management (OFM) maintains the source data for FTEs. Every year, WaTech works with OFM and the Legislature to adjust the ESR revenue to accommodate the changing demands for application support.
What is included in this allocation?
- Managed File Transfer (MFT) is an encryption-based solution used to assist agencies in transferring data between two locations in a secure and reliable fashion. You can read more on the Managed File Transfer page.
- WA.gov is the digital front door to Washington government services. WA.gov offers an intuitive user interface, robust search experience and easy access to the state’s most popular information and services. WA.gov provides enterprise-wide, resident-focused access to content and services and has the features and flexibility to accommodate all statewide content and topics. WA.gov houses the state agency and employee directories, intuitive how-to guides that provide consolidated content to help users through complex processes, a natural-language search tool, and promotes important programs and events across the state. WA.gov is also home to accessibilty.wa.gov, a comprehensive resource for people with disabilities.
What is not included in this allocation
OFM Enterprise Application Support Human Resource Management System (HRMS), Agency Financial Reporting System (AFRS), The Allotment System (TALS), and other enterprise-related financial systems) were transferred to OFM in January 2019.
How is this allocation governed?
WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and OFM builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.
Billing information
The naming convention for this allocation will be Allocation – Enterprise System Rates (EL-L030).