Enterprise System Rates Allocation

Page updated 10/09/2019

Allocation Goal / Methodology

The Enterprise System Rates allocation goal was to simplify and consolidate charges for all enterprise systems used by agencies into a single charge.

Funding allocation for the Enterprise System Rates is based on the agency's number of budgeted FTE's. For institutions of higher education (both the four-year institutions and the community and technical college system), only FTEs that support administrative functions are counted. OFM maintains the source data for budgeted FTEs. Every year, WaTech works with OFM and the Legislature to adjust the ESF revenue to accommodate the changing demands for application support.

What is included in this Allocation?

  • Secure File Transfer (SFT) is an encryption-based solution used to assist agencies in transferring data between two locations in a secure and reliable fashion. You can read more on the Secure File Transfer page.
  • Access Washington web portal hosts approximately 800 template pages and nearly 7000 organized active links to all state agencies that offer an all-encompassing collection of services, resources, and information. The portal is not limited to state agencies but, rather, includes towns, cities, counties, commissions, and tribes. Essentially, all Washington governmental entities are represented within Access Washington. Citizens use Access Washington as their primary resource to conduct state business and gain useful information for their specific everyday needs; thus offering a hearty public service function to visitors through the portal.
  • Mainframe (Platform Support)

What is not included in this Allocation

OFM Enterprise Application Support (HRMS, AFRS, TALS, and other enterprise related financial systems) were transferred to OFM in January 2019.

How is this Allocation Governed?

WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and OFM builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.

Billing Information

The naming convention for this allocation will be “Allocation – Enterprise System Rates (EL-L030)”.