- Introduction to WaTech Allocations (Allocated Rates)
- The Allocation Process
- Customer Base, Methodology & Invoicing Structure
- Do Agencies Receive Funding to Pay Allocation Charges?
- Enterprise System Rates Allocation
- State Data Network Allocation
- Security Gateway Allocation
- Security Infrastructure Allocation
- State Data Center (Debt) Allocation
- State Data Center (Operations) Allocation
- Location Based Services Allocation (GIS/WAMAS)
- Office of Cybersecurity (OCS) Allocation
- Small Agency IT Allocation
- Strategy and Management Allocation
- State Privacy Office Allocation
- Microsoft Office 365 Allocation
- Enterprise Data Management Allocation
- Enterprise Cloud Services Allocation
- Enterprise Architecture and Innovation Allocation
- WaTech Central Services Allocation
Allocation goal/methodology
The Microsoft Office 365 Allocation was created in the 2019-21 biennial budget to provide funding for G5 Microsoft Office 365 licenses for state agencies who are in WaTech shared tenant.
The allocation was distributed to agencies based on the number of licenses provided to each agency.
What is included in this allocation?
This allocation funds the foundation Microsoft 365 licenses to state agencies that are in WaTech shared tenant.
What is not included in this allocation?
- Microsoft 365 Shared Tenant fee.
- Add-on Microsoft 365 licenses such as Project Online, etc.
How is this allocation governed?
WaTech recommends the allocation methodology for this allocation, and the Office of Financial Management (OFM) builds the calculations into the Central Services Model. The Legislature provides final approval through the enacted budget.
Leveraging this allocation
As agencies purchase G5 Microsoft 365 licenses, WaTech will gain economy of scale and agencies will gain better pricing for the licenses.
Billing information
The naming convention for this allocation will be Allocation - Microsoft Office 365 (EL L110).